Do you need relaxation and are you looking for a hotel with a sauna? During your stay at Van der Valk Hotel Breukelen you are fully equipped. For example, as a hotel guest you can visit our wellness center 'Experience'. Here you can recharge after a long day. The wellness center has a wonderful relaxation area with loungers around the fireplace, a sauna and a steam cabin. After your visit to the sauna you can use one of our rain and/or rain showers.

Hotel Breukelen also has a heated indoor swimming pool where you can swim laps. In addition to being a hotel with sauna and wellness facilities, it also has its own beauty salon. Here our employees are ready to provide you with a wonderful treatment. With a diverse range of beauty treatments, there is a treatment for everyone.

Hotel with sauna in the room

Are you looking for a Van der Valk hotel with a sauna in the room? Then take a look at our Wellness Suite and our Royal Suite. These suites are equipped with an open bathroom with a bubble bath, infrared sauna and a double rain shower with steam. In addition to the open bathroom, these suites also have a king-size box spring and a cozy sitting area where you can relax with a bottle of Cava, for example. You can completely relax in our hotel with its own private sauna.